The History and Impact of No Smoking
It may surprise you to learn that there are no nationwide federal government bans on smoking in the US. Legislation and enforcement of smoking laws are left up to the states. [...]
It may surprise you to learn that there are no nationwide federal government bans on smoking in the US. Legislation and enforcement of smoking laws are left up to the states. [...]
The Evolution, Death, and Life After Death of Cigarette Advertising and Regulations in the US [...]
There’s a principal in toxicology that says any substance can harm or kill you if you’re exposed to enough. In other words, the dose makes the poison. [...]
Comparing nicotine and marijuana is not straightforward. Nicotine is so closely associated with tobacco and smoking that assessing the compound on its own is difficult. Marijuana is making the transition from evil to medicinal but is still the subject of scrutiny. [...]